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Neopets® is the greatest Virtual Pet Site on the Internet. With your help, we have built a community of over 50 million virtual pet owners across the world! Neopets has many things to offer including over 120 games, trading, auctions, greetings, messaging, and much much more. Best of all, it's completely FREE!
The new Neopets Beta layout is, to put it nicely, frustrating. It's hard to navigate when you're jumping layouts between pages, not to mention several of the links I use most are missing from the current Beta layout altogether. I decided to create a sort of "links hub" based on the nostalgic yellow sidebar that has all the links where you'd expect them to be. Oh, and did I mention everything is mobile friendly? :)
This site is mostly a fun project for my own benefit, but I put it online just in case anyone else may find it useful.
If you'd rather just use a simple, all-in-one links page, Neopian dragon_dragon_ has a fantastic pet page set up.
Disclaimer: This is only a fansite and is not associated with Neopets, Inc. in any way. I do not work for Neopets. Additionally, any other fansites that do not wish to have your content linked, please contact me on my main website .
Sign up with Neopets today! It's simple, fast and FREE!
14th day of Running, Y28 5:29 am NST
Have You Done Your Dailies?
Some common quick dailies links have been added to the Pet Central page!