Misti's Place in Cyberspace


Ongoing Projects

These are the things that I'm currently working on.

Premade Book Covers

I have started creating premade ebook covers for sale. If you are an independent author in need of covers for your works, please check out what I have to offer!

View my store at The Book Cover Designer

Finished Projects

These are some silly little projects I'm mostly done with.

Insult Generator

A simple program written with JavaScript that randomly mashes some words together to make an insult. Useful for starting arguments.

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Birthday Calculator

This was just a small project I wrote using PHP for a class in college that tells you your age and zodiac sign. Nothing fancy.

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The Decider

The Decider was one of the first JavaScript projects I ever completed way back in 2014. I still use it occasionally to this day to make decisions so I don't have to.

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Works in Progress

Unfinished projects that are low on my priorities.

Neopets Fansite

This is basically just a link hub made to look like the classic Neopets layout.

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